"For The Horde Radio" is a podcast delivered from the
view of
Horde players in "World of Warcraft." We talk about all varieties
of topics, including aspects of the game we like (and don't like),
funny things that happen on the way to the bank, and how much
the Alliance sucks. (and, yes,sometimes Horde)
If you're looking for useful tips and tricks,
statistics, quest
and instance information . . . this isn't the podcast for you.
If you want to hear fun stories about WoW, rat out the
player who
ganked you or stole your quest mob, and have a good time . . . you
have found your new home!
Special Holiday Show!- "A Winter Veil Tale"
Holidays! We at FTH Radio are happy and proud to present to
you our
special holiday show. It
is "A Winter Veil Tale", written by Anim5 of IDDFOS podcast, adapted
from "A
Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens, and performed by the
staff of FTH Radio.We didn't sing in this one, I promise!
We will be returning with our usual,
spleen spewing
show on January 17th, and will be
catching up on all your emails then!
We hope you enjoy this special episode and from
all of us at FTH Radio
we wish you a happy and safe
holiday season and a very happy New
Big thanks to Saigan of Off The
Air Guild for doing up this fabulous picture of the FTH staff!!
Episode Forty-Two - "Raw"
Here it
is! Episode Forty-Two. Experience the joy of an unedited, unbelled and
whistled show. I can't
even tell you what we talked about, that's how Raw this episodeis.
We will be returningat the end of
December with our Holiday Spectacular Show! So we'll see you
then.In the meantime enjoy your holidays and don't forget to get your
small eggs!
Huge shoutouts and a thank you to
all our listeners who wrote
and called in for this episode!!
Grand Master Z Links mentioned
from this episode include:
Episode Forty-One
"I Sing The Candy Buckets Exclamation!"
Happy Hallow's End! Let the candy buckets never cease!
than the awesome candy buckets, Auntie Ed also
scientifically (ok, not THAT scientific ) reviews the holiday
quests...for both sides. Yeah it's one of "those" segments.
Big V has much to say but we weren't really paying
attention so we have no idea what it
was. I think
there were some moo'snd possibly a
mention of mining. Oh yes and definately
some views on the jousting scene.
Grand Master Z reviews two great mods one cannot
be without! Well maybe you can but these will definately make your
game life easier, even if one does have the horrible word "Tax" in it.
(This is our scary Hallow's End epsiode after all).
Zogofxp's loft was replaced by a Smoothie Bar and as any
good reporter
will, he had his mic turned on to capture his explosion...I mean
reaction. And Thunderstep is back with another continuing
adventure of Fishing in the Nether! The epic story continues!
Well, of course it continues. Be pretty silly if it didn't, right? Also
in celebration of this scary holiday time, FTH has also done a revision
of "The Raven",
read courtesy of Anim5 of IDDFOS.
shoutouts andthank
you to all our listeners whowrote
and called in for
this episode!!
Master Z Links
mentioned from this episode include:
Bank Search
used in this episode:
Tadpoles - "Potato People"
Episode Forty - "Cowless in Azeroth"
You read correctly. We are without cows for this show.
But fret not, for we wouldn't leave you completely
hanging. We talk about Brewfest and all of the fun that
comes from this great holiday! (No really we mean it!)
On that note, huge shoutouts to everyone who got their
Violet Proto
Drake from completing it! We also discuss the lamest Holiday
achievement to date. Also hear about Auntie
Ed's "open mouth insert foot" moment.
Zogofxp talks about his encounter, finally, with the
Wrath Gate and also discusses why he is a beach ball. Grand Master Z
reviews two shiny mods! Onefor the Guild Masters out there and one just
for the hell of it.
We also have special guest Angry Dwarf helping out
as he will when we need him to. Actually, we just
blackmailed him with those pictures of him down in the
Undercity that one night with...well, never mind.
Big thanks to Moonhawk for
sending in this great pic!
Huge shoutouts and a thank
you to all our listeners who wrote
and called in for this episode!!
Grand Master Z Links
mentioned from this episode include:
They Call Jayne
used in this episode:
Crisis - "Enabler"
Baltimora - "Tarzan's Boy"
Episode Thirty-Nine - "And We're Back! Scary Isn't It?"
So here we are with Episode Thirty Nine! Sure, we
could talk about Cataclysm and all of the upcoming, new things
Blizzard has in store for us...and we do! Not much to talk about
really,but that has never stopped us before!
Also a tale or two in there
of what happened over Auntie Ed's summer vacation. Big V is back in the
game and tells you all about
his adventure in Wrath Gate...finally! He also gets great enjoyment out
of bats
who nose dive into the ground to bring you to
and really gets a kick out of their clock. We
worry about the cow.
Zogofxp tells all of his own recent adventures in
Northerend. Yes, he finally made it! Grand Master Z has
another great mod to tell you all about and Thunderstep continues with
a nail biting
tale from Fishing In The Nether, with a cameo from Zog.
shoutout and thanks to Moonhawk for sending in this great pic!
Also a
great self-pic sent into us from Kzaar on the Staghelm
Server! We'll get Big V in bunny ears one day,
just you wait!
Huge shoutouts and thank
you to all our listeners who wrote
and called in for
this episode!!
Master Z Links
mentioned from this episode include:
used in this episode:
The Sensations - "Let Me In"
Felicia Day and The Guild - "(Do
You Want To Date My) Avatar"
Episode Thirty-Eight -"Second Year Anniversary Show!"
I know, I know, we're late by a week, but that's what
when you have a two cows drinking margaritas, an orc who
won't stop
surfing, and we think Zog is sunburned but can't tell.
But we are back for our Second Year Anniversary! And
Anniversary Show would be complete without the entire FTH
Radio staff on! Yes, you are once again subjected to a Table Which Is
episode (you poor people!)
We also have special snippets of our encounters
during BlizzCon. Asking how we got those snippets when BlizzCon is
going on
now? We have our ways and won't let such simple things
as not
being invited or actually being there stop us!
Major, Super Awesome, Mega
Shoutout to all of our
listeners for sticking by us and supporting us for our two years of
We thank you from the bottom of our big, gushing Horde
hearts and hope you continue to enjoy the show!
You guys are the best! Thank you!!
Episode Thirty-Seven
"Does This Scorchling Make My Butt Look Big?"
Our big
news is that we are on summer hiatus but we'll be back on August 16th
for our 2nd Anniversary Show! Before
we take off for the summer, we do discuss important things, such as
the ever popular Fire Festival! Hear epic, or at least moderately
amusing, tales of Auntie Ed attempting to get this holiday achievement
pondering why the holiday pet looks like an orb?
Also hear first
hand what really happened last show betweeen Zogofxp and Baby Ghoul.
Big V talks about cow stuff, as he is back on the
cow again! Thought you knew Northerend? See it through the eyes of the
cow and learn to love it all over again. Or not.
Zogofxp is
backfrom his community service with his blog and asks a most
thoughtprovoking question.And the
adventures of "Fishing in theNether"
continue! New information revealed,new adventures ensue!
ButBaby Ghoul is still having time-out in his room.
Grand Master Z couldn't make this show as he is a
crater somewhere outside of Dalaran. Long story, but
unfortuantely this has led to a lack of mod reviews for this show.
Big thanks to Bandel for sending
in another great picture of the Reaver. Had no idea he was such a
partying guy!
You may have noticed that "What's Your
Show" with Zombiehead did not
air. Due to technical difficulties the
show could not launch when it was
scheduled, but it will be launching soon!
We will keep you posted for the rescheduled date!
Also check out Anim5 of the IDDFOS
podcast new site "Solid
Symbols"! Notice this great
casting of Zog's head! Many more cool things for
you to ooooh and aaaaah over (and buy!)
Major thank
you to all our listeners who wrote
and called in for
this episode!! And huge thank you for listening!
a great summer and
we'll return August 16th for our 2 year anniversary show!
Breaks in this Episode courtesy of: Crafting World.
Check out the great vids too!
Episode Thirty-Six
"Additional Instances Cannot Be Launched...Bull!"
what this episode talks about? Well, not all of it but we do touch upon
that infuriating message which
seems to haunt all instances lately and why we feel that all of
excuses and explanations are just not cutting it.
Big V has much to tell of his new
adventures dabbling with dwarf pallys in pvp. Oh the humanity! (no pun)
Master Z has a great new mod to tell you guys about! Definately sounds
good to
be true, but it is!
Check out the link
Zog's Blog
and Fishing in
the Nether won't be heard in this episode as both Zog and Baby Ghoul
are doing community
service for wrecking the FTH studio (long story). They will
return next show...if they can get along. Instead we are thrilled and
pleased to
bring to you a spot done by NancyDruid on Dating in Azeroth!
Much thanks to NancyDruid for sending it in! It's classic!
"What's Your Show" airing on June 27th at
MyGnetRadio.com! Auntie Ed will be
joining Zombiehead as well as many other WoW podcasters for a live
Check out our special
interview with Zombiehead for information about
it. We hope you can come on and listen!
Master Z Links
mentioned from this episode include:
Major thank
you to all our listeners who wrote
in for
this episode!! And huge thank you for listening!
for your viewing pleasure!
Damaris for the link!
used in this episode:
Coulton -"Big Bad
Pajama Crisis
Special Edition - "Interview With A Zombie...Head"
Have we got a special suprise for you!
has joined us at FTH Radio for an exciting
telling us all about the launch of his new show, "What's Your Show",
airing on June 27th at
Network Radio!
Auntie Ed will be joining many other podcasters on the
show, for a live (yes, you read correctly, live!) discussion about WoW,
games, and podcasting in general. All are welcome to come into the chat
during the airing to listen and participate in a great contest, which
could bring the winner $50!
Listen as Zombiehead spills all the details, including
listingthe other
WoW podcasters who will be on for the lauch!
Don't foget to join us on June 27th at 2pm Central, 3pm
Eastern time!
It's going to be a good time! Just log onto Gamer
Network Radioto sign up! Also check out Zombiehead's
websites, What's
Your Show
and Zombiesworld.com!
Major thanks again to Zombiehead
for taking the
time to
talk with us!
Episode 35 - "Table Which Is Round Part Deux"
Throwing caution to the winds, once again, the
staff of FTH
Radio has gotten together for
another "Table Which Is Round" episode.
Big V wasn't
able to attend, but Anim5 of IDDFOS
was gracious
enough to step in.
And though he does bring intelligent conversation
to the
discussion, (very unlike FTHR) he didn't moo once!
Some of what you can expect to hear are
of how frustrating some achievements
be,the purpose, if any, on grinding, and we may
even have some insight as to why Zog is the way
he is.
Please note, we have up that explicit tag again!
Sometimes there just aren't enough bleeps.
provided courtesy of Bandel of Madoran!
Major thank
you to all our listeners who wrote
in for
this episode!! And huge thank you for listening!
used in this episode:
We ain't
Episode 34 - "Won't Somebody Please Think of the
So who really wanted that Violet Proto-Drake?
You've only worked on it for eight months,
completing every holdiay achievement so far. And then came "School of
Knocks"and well, we all know how that's going.
However, and perhaps it's a good thing, we don't talk
that too much (the event began
after we recorded) but we do recap Noble Gardens and touch upon our
predictions for the
Children's Week event. Since the event
did begin after our post-production work was done, we have included a
special dramatization done by
Anim5 of the IDDFOS
podcast. We think it sums up our feelings about
this event and also why FTH Radio will never get invited to BlizzCon.
Big V talks about the latest patchness that has
upon WoW and how he can't tell what's changed. But, by
his own
admission, he has the most untalented Death Knight out there!
Zogofxp shares another of his conniptions with us
expresses his feelings on the respecing of his
times and in several ways! Grand Master Z shares two new
mods with us,
although one isn't
exactly a mod, but he explains all!
Pssst, one is a
huge help in reloading those mods after one of the many patches overrun
And the continuing story...er...continues in
"Fishing In
The Nether" with special guests this time! Special
thanks to Cossori
for joining in on the madness! Also the name of Baby
Ghoul is
revealed! We'll post in our next show notes who is the grand winner of
contest as we don't want to spoil it for you here.
(However you'll
find out a lot faster if you listen to the show!)
Episode 33
"Mechano-Hog Maddness and Other Embarrassing Tales"
Great adventures of downing impossible bosses ! Fabulous
tales of epic battles! Exciting talk about additions
to WoW ! . . .
. . . will not be in this episode.
Instead we bring you embarrassing guild
moments. Not nearly as exciting
but far more fun!
Big V has taken the plunge with his Mage and
killed her off only to resurrect her as a Death Knight.
Can't believe he actually did it!
Zogofxp is back with tales of his own, all told
from his crabby undead point of
view. ( Hey, he's Zog). And Grand Master Z not only reviews two great
mods to improve your chat
view,but also discusses the upcoming change Blizz is putting in with
to mods.
Fishing in the Nether continues with
more mysteries on the true nature of Baby Ghoul (still nameless, at
least until the
next show)Have a suggestion for the Name Baby Ghoul Contest? Write
in to Thunderstep! Baby Ghoul's new name will be revealed in the
next show!
Grand Master Z Links
mentioned from this episode include:
Major thank you to all our listeners who
called and wrote in for this episode!! And huge thank you
for listening!
entertainment in this episode provided by:
of IDDFOS Podcast- "Disfunctional D&D"
Episode 32 - "The Show That Goes Nowhere"
In another exciting episode, we discuss how stupid NPC's
reveal a bit of spoilage for those who
visitedZul'Drak. (Really, we don't revealthat
much.) And Cort makes an appearance later on during the
emails with a special item that a
listener made
just for him! Big V goes to honor the
baddest raiding guild ever by taking on Stormwind and
fishing there! Well, what did you expect? This is Big V
talking about.
Zogofxp talks about the new duel spec that we're
anticipating and other things that set his undead
boiling (actually, not really since he's
undead there's not much blood, but you get the idea) Grand Master
Z reveals a mod that maybe causing a
bit of a
conspiracy. Are you in on it?
And introducing our newest segment, "
Fishing In The Nether"
Thunderstep! Also, be sure to enter his "Name Baby
Send your entries to thunderstep@charter.net.
Check out these
awesome pics done up
for us by our listeners!

Courtesy of Undelsol ~*~ Courtesy of Lookimemo
Don't check out this link sent in by our
listener Vannguard! (We really do
thank him!) It involves killing bunnies!
terrible, it's horrible, it's
gruesome! (not kidding, it really is)
Auntie Ed is "trolling it up" and
posting it here for any who are
interested. Just
remember, every time you
kill a bunny, a g-nome dings another level!
Master Z Links
mentioned from this episode include:
Thank you very
much to all our listeners who wrote in for this episode!!
You guys are the best!!
used in this episode:
Pajama Crisis
"What You Don't
Want To Hear"
Elite Tauren Chieftains - "I Am Murloc"
Episode 31 - " Table Which is Round and Chicken Pot
We decided to try a different route this show.
We've done
away with all of our various
segments and
instead had all of the FTH Radio staff on for the entire show. We cover
from table
shapes to baby ghouls! Pssst! Note the explicit
tag for
this show. There's a reason! You've been warned!
We also take this opportunity to introduce
who will be
joining the rest of us here at FTH Radio.
We have
no idea what he'll be doing so for now he's resident towel boy.
We also had Rydiah of the Chaotic Fury
Guild join us
for another fabulous
Guild Talks! Huge thank you to him for taking the time to
with us! Please contact us if you would
also like to do an interview about your guild on our show!
And after a year and a half of doing a show, we
have a brand New
shiny Promo!(All right, so it took
Check out these awesome pictures
sent in
by our
" Submitted courtesy of Lookimemo of the Hoamrush Server "

"Submitted courtesy of Bandel of the Madoran Server"
Also check out this awesome (yet small) vid sent in by Trollsky on
Madoran! And thank you Troll for finding it!
you very
much to all our listeners who wrote and
called in for this episode!!
used in this episode:
King Never - " Desperate"
- "Always The First To Die"
Episode 30 - " Respect Your Elders...or Else!"
It's the Lunar Festival and Elders abound! You can't
us. We're the people standing in Orgrimmar yelling at folks to
off our lawns, talking about how we had
to wait until
level forty before we got our mount license, and how these young
levels today
play their music too loud. The title
over our heads
gives us away too. We also present our
first, which we hope is of many, Guild Talks!
of the Imaginary Vultures Guild joins us and shares some
of his
deepest guild secrets. All right, not really, but we hope you
enjoy and
we thank him for taking the time to talk with us!
Big V is back to sounding like himself
again and
asks the thought provoking question, what does one talk about on a
podcast after not being in game for five weeks? And in classic
Big V
fashion, he comes up with an answer!
Zogofxp shares his PVP tales and also a very
message about a phishing scheme out there. Seriously,
beware of
this! And Grand Master Z has two excellent mods to talk about,
especially for Auntie Ed!
Master Z Links
mentioned from this episode include:
you very
much to all our listeners who wrote and
called in for this episode!!
used in this episode:
Coulton - "Code Monkey"
- "Skullcrusher Mountain"
Episode 29 - " When Death Knights Cling "
We begin the first show of the new year with important
topics, such as the tale of Auntie Ed's clingy Death Knight and
the real
reason why Arthas fled to Icecrown.
Big V isn't sounding like
himself this episode.
In fact one could say he sounds like seven different people. But
that would
be impossible, so we'll just say it's him. Come
on, work
with me people!
Zogofxp tells of his experiences as his own Death
cruises around Outland and reveals his historical involvement in
Wrathgate event! Hear for yourself!
And our fabulous
Grand Master Z
not only speaks of two great gotta have mods but also called in to
do a
little venting himself!
Major Shoutout and Huge Thank you
to the
following folks
who donated their time, voices and talents to this
Angry Dwarf (aka
Anim5 of IDDFOS podcast)
It couldn't have been done with you! Thank you!
Master Z Links
mentioned from this episode include:
Thank you very much to all our listeners who wrote and
called in for this episode!!
used in this episode:
Crisis - "Beige
With Noodles"
- "Defiance"